Our Treatments



Do you have difficulty chewing because of missing teeth or are you tired of your dentures slipping out of place? With dental implants, you can find a pe...



In jaw surgery, embedded tooth extraction, joint treatments, botox applications, cyst tumour surgeries, implant treatments are generally performed.



Smile Design and Aesthetics

Smile design is an aesthetic dentistry treatment that varies for every patient and every need, the main purpose of which is to eliminate all problems th...


Gum Diseases

Do you have red, swollen or bleeding gums? Gum treatment procedures can help you get rid of these symptoms while preventing other compl...


Paediatric Dentistry

What is Pedodontics?

Pedodontics (Pediatric Dentistry) is a department that aims to protect the healthy milk and permanent te...


Tooth Whitening

There are many reasons to have a confident smile. Greeting colleagues at work, having your photo taken with loved ones and making a great first impressi...


Root Canal Treatment

If you have a decayed tooth, early detection of the need for root canal treatment can prevent the spread of infection and further damage to your teeth.<...


Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry includes practices based on the prevention of the most common oral and dental diseases, such as tooth decay and gingivitis, before ...