


In jaw surgery, embedded tooth extraction, joint treatments, botox applications, cyst tumour surgeries, implant treatments are generally performed.

Wisdom teeth are molars that emerge from the back of the mouth between the ages of 17-25. Wisdom teeth may remain impacted if they do not have enough space to emerge naturally. An impacted wisdom tooth may grow at unusual angles, become trapped in the gums or appear crooked. They can be painful if they affect the nerves of neighbouring teeth or are infected by bacteria trapped by the overlying gums.

But should we have our wisdom teeth removed if they do not cause pain? Wisdom teeth that are initially asymptomatic can lead to tooth decay, inflammation, cavities or cysts, and in such cases it may be necessary to remove them surgically.

Although having your wisdom tooth removed can seem like a frightening experience, it is usually a simple routine procedure and early intervention can prevent possible complications.